
The pool is the core contract through which users will interact with the protocol. It allows for all the funding operations.

Package Name: pool

Source Code: pool on GitHub

  • pool.move

Contract API reference

Write Methods

function deposit

Deposits amount of an asset into the protocol, minting the same amount of corresponding nTokens

function withdraw

Withdraws amount of the underlying asset, i.e. redeems the underlying token and burns the aTokens.

💡 When withdrawing to another address, msg.sendershould havenToken that will be burned by LendingPool .

function borrow

Borrows amount of asset with, sending the amount to msg.sender

function repay

Repays a debt amount of asset

function enable_as_collateral

Lets a user sets the asset of to be allowed to be used as collateral or not.

function execute_liquidation

What needs to be know:

  • The collateral asset

  • The debt asset

  • User

  • The amount of debt that needs to be covered by the liquidator

Example Liquidation Scenario

  • A user deposits $100 worth of SUI (70% LTV), and borrows $50 worth of BTC.

    • Supply Balance: $100

    • Borrow Balance: $50

    • Health Factor = 100 * 0,7 / 50 = 1.4

  • BTC price goes up by 50%

    • Supply Balance: $100

    • Borrow Balance: $75

    • Health Factor = 100 * 0,7 / 75 = 0,9333

User is now liquidate-able

Liquidate positions with a health factor below 1. Also see our Liquidations guide.

When the health factor of a position is below 1, liquidators repay part or all of the outstanding borrowed amount on behalf of the borrower, while receiving a discounted amount of collateral in return (also known as a liquidation "bonus"). Liquidators can decide if they want to receive an equivalent amount of collateral aTokens, or the underlying asset directly. When the liquidation is completed successfully, the health factor of the position is increased, bringing the health factor above 1.

Liquidators can only close a certain amount of collateral defined by a close factor. Currently the close factor is 0.5. In other words, liquidators can only liquidate a maximum of 50% of the amount pending to be repaid in a position. The liquidation discount applies to this amount.

In most scenarios, profitable liquidators will choose to liquidate as much as they can (50% of the user position).

To check a user's health factor, use get_user_account_data

function flash_loan

See Sui Example flash loan here.

View Methods

function get_market_reserve_data

Returns the state of the reserve of a specific market

  • Liquidity Index

  • Current Supply / Liquidity in Ray

  • Current Interest Rate

  • Last Update Timestamp

  • nToken address

  • Underlying address

  • Interest Rate Strategy Address

function get_user_account_data

Returns the user account data across all the reserves

  • Total Collateral (in Sui)

  • Total Debt (in Sui)

  • LTV

  • Health Factor

  • Liquidation Threshold

  • Borrowing power left

function get_market_configuration

Returns the configuration of the market

  • LTV

  • Liquidation Threshold

  • Liquidation Bonus

  • Reserve Factor

  • Borrowing enabled

  • Decimals of the market

function get_market_normalised_income

Returns the normalized income per unit of asset of a specific market

function get_market_normalised_debt

Returns the normalized variable debt per unit of asset of a specific market

function paused

Returns true if the LendingPool is paused.

function get_market_list

Returns the list of markets.

Error Codes


Last updated