
Interest and pool rate calculation.

Public Methods

caculate_utilization(storage: &mut Storage, asset: u8, amount: u256): u256

Returns the utilisation rate of a pool.

U=Ba/(Ca+Ba)U = B_a / (C_a + B_a)

Where B and C are the total borrows and total cash of asset a

calculate_borrow_rate(storage: &mut Storage, asset: u8, amount: u256): u256

Get the borrow rate of a pool's asset

calculate_supply_rate(storage: &mut Storage, asset: u8, amount: u256): u256

Get the supply rate of a pool's asset

calculate_compounded_interest(current_timestamp: u64, last_update_timestamp: u64, rate: u256): u256

Compound interest calculation implementation

calculate_linear_interest(current_timestamp: u64, last_update_timestamp: u64, rate: u256): u256

Linear interest calculation implementation

Last updated